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Un Lock Sitecore admin account

There are times when you
- Upgrade Sitecore locally
- Restore databases in your local Sitecore instance.

And you are no longer able to login to the Sitecore admin interface with the default admin username and password b.

When this happens you can unlock the Sitecore admin account and reset the password back to b.

To do this copy this aspx file to your Website\sitecore\admin folder (and overwrite existing file)

Next make sure your local web.config (in the root Website) folder has the following settings

Lastly go to the following page

And click the Unlock Administrator button.
That's it, you can now login to your local Sitecore instance.

6-6-2022 Update: 
If you are not able to get to the unlock_admin.aspx page as newer Sitecore versions have a separate identity server, I found the following way to unlock a local account. 

I will assume that you have access to the local SQL server databases. Go to the database website_Core and open the table dbo.aspnet_membership. In this table look for the rows that have the column "IsLockedOut" = 1. Also look for the "Comment" Column and it should say "Sitecore Administrator". Just Set IsLockedOut=False and you should be good. 

Happy Sitecoreing!


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